How to get in top shape for your wedding


You're getting married soon. That's wonderful. Now you need a roadmap for getting a slim figure as quickly as possible. To do that, you need to take three - but very big - steps. It starts with working out. You'll use it to lose weight and build feminine muscles that will show off your figure to best advantage in your wedding dress. Step 2 is about your diet. Instead of torturing yourself with extreme diets, you should switch to a healthy lifestyle. Point three deals with supplements, some of which are able to help you with your goals.

Step 1: The training programs for your wedding figure

You can repeat the training plans every week or combine the exercises as you choose. Your choices depend on your goals. This also determines the choice of weights and the number of repetitions. A mixture of workouts is even advisable, because strength and endurance training should always be holistic. You can set the parameters for all exercises yourself.
The following constellations make sense. However, they are only guidelines that you must adapt to your own needs. You can also train for strength building. Then it would be one to six repetitions per set. That would be something for later. For now, it's all about trimming your figure. This is best done with strength endurance and muscle building.
- Sets with fixed number of repetitions: 3 to 4
- Sets to exhaustion: 2 to 3
- Repetitions for muscle building: 8 to 10
- Repetitions for strength endurance and definition: 15 to 20
- Repetitions for muscle building and strength endurance: 12 to 15 (both are trained less intensively here)
Rest days in this overview are Thursday and Sunday. All exercises can be supplemented with variations. Many women who are successful in weight training regularly do supersets. For this you have to choose two exercises for the same muscle group, which you have to perform one after the other, without taking a break in between. This means that you first do a set of exercise A, switch places as quickly as possible and continue with the set of the second exercise. Only when you are done with it, the superset is finished. Then you can rest for 1 to 3 minutes before moving on to the next superset. You should do three to four of these double sets per exercise pair.
There are a large number of exercises. Here are some of the most used workouts. Pick three to four per day. For the large muscle groups (core, chest, back, legs) you can schedule a total of 9 to 12 sets. Small muscle groups (arms, shoulders, neck) are worked with six to eight sets.

Monday: legs
- Front squats with barbell
- Fast squats with resistance band (until exhaustion)
- Jumped in squats
- Cross lift with legs extended
- Leg curl lying
- Leg extension sitting
- Lunges (until exhaustion)

Tuesday: Cardio and abdomen
- Cardio kickboxing (in the boxing room)
- Bodycombat (in the course)
- Boxing training (in the course)
- Pilates (in the course)
- Plyometric cardio circuit
1. stepper 5 minutes at level 5
2. stepper 5 of these rounds: Level 10: 1 minute; Level 6: 40 seconds).
3. squats with box jumps - 1 minute, then walk 50 seconds (treadmill).
4. stepper 5 minutes on level 5 (to cool down)
- Plyometric Freeletics Circuit
1. jogging (treadmill) - 5 to 10 minutes
2. sprint (treadmill) - 40 seconds
3. jumped-in squats with arms placed on top of each other in front of the chest - 10 repetitions.
4. push-ups with pushing off the arms when coming up - 10 pcs.
5. burpees - 10 pcs.
6. abdominal exercise "cycling" with rotating upper body - 10 reps.
- Leg lift (hanging on high bar)
- Body bridge with applied forearms
- Kneeling cable crunches on the tower
- Russian twists

Wednesday: Chest and shoulders
- Classic barbell flat bench press (shoulder width)
- Dumbbell flat bench press
- Barbell incline bench press
- Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
- Butterfly (machine)
- Fly on the flat bench
- Fly on the incline bench
- Classic pushup
- Flat bench press with tight grip
- Dumbbell shoulder press sitting
- Side lift seated (upper body prone on inclined bench)
- Alternating front lift with dumbbells
- Rainbow (with medicine ball or weight plate)
- Arnold dumbbell press
- Reverse Butterfly Machine
- T-bar rowing (wide grip)

Friday: buttocks and back
- Squats at Smith Tower
- Leg curl lying
- Single leg squats
- Box jumps
- Single leg deadlift with dumbbells
- Kneeling kick-ups on the leg extension machine (model: seated)
- Sumo squats
- Barbell rowing
- T-bar rowing (tight grip)
- Lat-pulling on the tower (wide-legged, in front of the chest)
- Lat-pulling on the tower (wide-gripped, into the neck)
- Lat pulling on the tower (handles sideways, in front of the chest)
- Lat-pulling on the tower (handles sideways, in the neck)
- Pull-ups (shoulder width grasped)
- Pull-ups (narrow)
- Single arm dumbbell rowing on the flat bench

Saturday: Cardio and arms
- 20 minutes HIIT - 5 min. warm-up - 2 min. easy, 30 sec. hard - in alternation
- 25 minutes HIIT - 5 min warm up - 90 sec light, 30 sec heavy - alternating.
- 30 minutes HIIT - 5 min warm up - 60 sec, 30 sec heavy - alternating
- Plyometric Freeletics Circuit
- Plyometric cardio circuit
- Cardio kickboxing (in the boxing room)
- Bodycombat (in the course)
- Boxing training (in the course)
- Alternating biceps curls with dumbbell on incline bench
- Barbell curls (21s)
- Curls with the EZ bar
- Triceps press on the pulley
- Push-up tight
- Standing triceps pullover on the pulley

Step 2: the diet

Nutrition makes 70 % of your success. There are plenty of foods that are helpful and tasty on the way to a dream figure. Don't break the bank. You need to change your lifestyle. You can't do it overnight. Cut yourself some slack and improve day by day.
Set realistic goals. You can't lose eight sizes in four weeks. That kind of thing just puts pressure on you. Concentrate on training and cook intelligently. Then the successes will come on their own.
If you have doubts about your plan or you don't feel comfortable with it, seek advice from your gym. Many women have these problems.
You need to pay attention to the right portion sizes and consider the proportions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. There are big differences. Focus on polyunsaturated fatty acids, complex or slow carbohydrates and high-quality protein (Whey protein).

Step 3: Food supplements

The more strength training you do, the more supplements you need to support your diet. Protein shakes in particular can provide you with sufficient amounts of essential amino acids. As a woman, you also need protein. You will never get as big muscles as a man, because your estrogens curb the mass build-up and your testosterone level is much too low for that.
In addition to proteins, unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are a fundamental component of a healthy diet. Should you not recruit enough of them from your diet, there are several products - mostly in capsule form - to choose from.

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