12 possible reasons why you have no energy

12 Mögliche Gründe

You just feel tired, your everyday life is difficult for you, even bright sunshine is not able to awaken the spirits in you and you have no idea why? No problem - in this article we list 12 possible reasons why you feel tired and show you how to get your energy back. 

1 - Use consumer electronics late at night

Admittedly, we all love to relax while surfing social networks or playing around on smartphones and tablets, but as some recent studies have shown, this behavior tends to trigger the opposite. Media consumption immediately before bedtime puts the body in a stressful situation so that, among other things, blood pressure rises for a few hours, which in the worst case leads to insomnia or at least a reduced quality of sleep. To avoid this problem, you should get into the habit of not watching TV, using your smartphone or tablet PC for at least an hour before going to bed - a good book will do just as well. 

2 - Unbalanced diet

Especially if your goal is to eat a particularly "clean" diet, it is not uncommon for the body to lack essential micronutrients that are not initially on your agenda. Accordingly, it is especially important that you eat a balanced diet that contains fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein and complex carbohydrates. 

3 - Depression

If you feel burnt out, sad, have no appetite, and can't find anything to really enjoy in your daily life, you may be suffering from depression. Depression is not to be trifled with, as it affects far more than just your workout. If you recognize yourself, it can't hurt to confide in your family doctor, although this is obviously a high hurdle. It's the only way you'll get back on track. 

4 - Too little sleep

By far the most common reason why many people go through the day sluggish is simply a lack of sleep, because let's face it: who can claim to get eight hours of sleep on a regular basis? Even though this ideal is of course not always achievable, you should strive to give your body these eight hours as often as possible. 

5 - Sleep apnea

Even if you think you're getting enough sleep, sleep apnea may be the cause of your persistent fatigue. Sleep apnea causes short pauses in breathing several times a night that interrupt sleep, which is very counterproductive to the level of rest, especially in the deep sleep phase.

6 - Anemia

Anemia, also known as anemia, is one of the most common causes of permanent fatigue, especially in women. The basic cause is a deficiency of red blood cells, which can occur either due to increased blood loss during menstruation or iron deficiency in the diet. To diagnose anemia, a simple blood test at the family doctor's office is sufficient. Consumption of iron-rich foods such as meat, fish or green leafy vegetables prevents iron deficiency and thus anemia. 

7 - Diabetes

Undiagnosed diabetes may also be to blame for your persistent fatigue, as the absorption and utilization of sugar in the blood is severely impaired. If you have some cases of diabetes in your family or your fatigue is accompanied by extreme thirst, you should consult a doctor for clarification.

8 - Too much caffeine

When we are tired, we like to reach for a cup of coffee or an energy drink. As a rule, the caffeine also pushes us, but excessive consumption of the stimulant can turn into the opposite, as the organism has to struggle with permanently increased blood pressure and an increase in heart rate as a result of consumption. If you consume significantly too much caffeine in the form of coffee, cola, tea or energy drinks, you should lower your daily dose and observe whether your energy level increases.

9 - Dehydration

Water is probably the most essential food for the human organism, because only sufficient hydration of the body guarantees the optimal interaction of all metabolic processes. A simple way to find out if you are dehydrated is to check the color of your urine. The lighter the color, the better.

10 - Not enough training

Even though workouts are naturally strenuous, they still help to boost your energy level. If you don't exercise regularly, you're bound to notice a significant drop in energy levels. So remember to exercise on non-training days, even if it's just a walk in the fresh air. 

11 - Chronic fatigue syndrome

If you seem to be too tired to sit up in bed for a long time, you may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. For this disease, which causes extreme mental and physical fatigue, there is no test that you can do yourself. If in doubt, you should consult a doctor. 

12 - Malfunction of the thyroid gland

Extreme fatigue and sudden weight gain or loss can also be the result of thyroid dysfunction, which disrupts the production of thyroid hormones. A blood test can provide clarity in this context.


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