Push-ups - This is how you get them done!


The push-up is the quintessential fitness exercise. And not without reason, because the exercise trains your chest muscles, shoulders, arms and core muscles, so you should appreciate the benefits. However, since the exercise is much more challenging than it looks at first, not everyone manages to complete a clean push-up right away. Consequently, we would like to give you some tips below to help you achieve this goal.

Tip 1 - Start from the ground

The best way to make sure you know the technique of the Push-up The best way to get it right from the start is not to start in the standard position, but directly from the ground. This works best if you lie flat on the floor with the tops of your feet already planted. Your arms are next to your body in the starting position with your elbows bent and your palms level with your shoulders. Now tighten your butt and abdominal muscles and slowly push yourself off the floor with your arms. Make sure that you do not extend your arms completely during the exercise. If you don't manage to push yourself up due to lack of strength, you can change the starting position of your upper body with the help of a flat box, for example, so that your center of gravity shifts slightly.

Tip 2 - Do not be afraid to vary the position

Even though push-ups look pretty easy, it seems like this is only the case when you're watching others do them. But when you try it yourself, you usually find that the exercise is difficult to master. So, before you try to force yourself to do the professional version, you should dare to choose a position that makes the exercise easier for you. One position that works well for beginners is to start on your knees, as this significantly reduces the amount of weight you have to move with your arms. Once you are comfortable with this approach, you can start doing regular push-ups. If performing them in a kneeling position is still too challenging, you can first build up basic strength by performing dry runs with the help of a wall. Remember that you will only reach your goal if you constantly work on yourself.

Tip 3 - Do not lift your butt in the air

One of the most common mistakes that can be observed among exercisers during the execution of the exercise is that all too often the buttocks protrude far into the air, which leads to a suboptimal load on the trunk and chest muscles. So you should make sure that your spine remains straight and your body forms a straight line from your feet to your neck. Another advantage resulting from this posture is the decreased risk of injury due to the reduced load on the shoulder joints.

Tip 4 - Keep your head straight

Especially at the end of a sentence, it is often difficult to keep control of the head, which is why it all too often hangs down significantly. At this point, the same rule applies that we have already mentioned with regard to the butt position. The spine should always be straight, which also means that the head must be kept in a stable position, which also prevents neck injuries. The easiest way to stabilize the head is to find a point on the floor and hold it there until the set is finished.

Tip 5 - Quality counts more than quantity

What's the point of doing fifty push-ups if you can't even get a clean repetition? That's right, nothing! So concentrate on completing every single repetition as cleanly as possible, because only in this way can your muscles be optimally addressed. Conversely, only effectively irritated muscles can be strengthened and stimulated to grow. It is therefore much more effective to complete "only" five, but clean, push-ups than to slam twenty or even thirty unclean repetitions on the floor.

Finally, a little tip:
Of course, push-ups are extremely strenuous, and they always will be. So you can't blame yourself if your motivation is clearly limited from time to time. However, in order to motivate yourself to improve every day, you should start a competition with your inner pig, which will spur you on to get a little better every day. The easiest way to do this is with the help of some special fitness apps. So get to work!

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