Back and shoulder training for women


When women do weight training or fitness, often only the leg or buttock muscles are trained. The upper body is completely neglected in many exercises or workouts, which then manifests itself in an unaesthetic body image. Often the legs are too thick in relation to the chest and back, which also puts a psychological strain on many women. Often the ladies in the fitness or weight training scenes can't do more than two or three push-ups or pull-ups because their back muscles and shoulders are completely underdeveloped. But it is precisely these muscles that are often used more in everyday life, because holding a child in your arms or carrying the shopping bags also takes a lot of strength. This effort in the upper body also needs the woman every day.

If you want to train these muscle groups, then you should first buy two dumbbells with a weight of 3 to 5 kilograms, with which you can train comfortably from home. If you train in a gym, you can adjust the weight to your current form under heavier dumbbells. Below we have put together a small program for you, with which you can train the particularly stressed back and shoulder muscles.

Back and shoulder training for women


  • Shoulder press with dumbbells (3 sets 12 repetition)
  • Upright Row with dumbbells (3 sets 12 repetition)
  • Bent Over Dumbbell Row (3 sets 12 repetition)
  • Push-ups 3 until muscle failure
  • Pull-ups 3 until muscle failure

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The individual exercises in detail

1 - Shoulder press
In this exercise you hold the dumbbells with both hands at shoulder height and now press the left and right arm upwards alternately and then return to the starting position with the arms. If you find three sets too easy, then you should increase the number of sets.

2 - Upright rowing
You start the exercise by dropping the arms in front of the body with the two dumbbells. Now slowly raise your arms up in front of your body until your hands reach your shoulders. From this position, drop the arms back to the starting position.

3 - Rows
You start the exercise by holding both dumbbells to the side of the body and now bring the upper body slightly into an inclined position. It is important to keep tension in the back so that it remains straight throughout the entire movement. Now slowly pull your elbows back until your hands reach your hips. From this position, slowly push the arms back down.

4 - Lateral shoulder lift
Let the arms fall loosely at the side and hold the dumbbells with both hands. Now pull the arms up to the sides and finish the movement at shoulder height, then slowly drop the arms back down.

5 - Push-ups
The push-up is a key exercise that trains the entire body by tensing the legs, core and shoulders. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can complete 3 sets until muscle failure. If the traditional push-up is still too difficult for you, you can start the exercise by placing your knees on the floor and alternately stretching and bending your arms.

6 - Pull-ups
Pull-ups are the basic exercise for the back and shoulder muscles. If you have a pull-up bar available, then you should start with this equipment. You can increase the intensity of the pull-ups by varying the position of your hands. If you don't know how to do pull-ups yet, you should start by jumping from the floor to the bar, holding on with both hands and slowly dropping back to the floor. If you want to make the pull-up exercise more difficult, you can attach a weight to the body so that the arms have to lift more weight.

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