What men need to know about women & fitness

Das Müssen Männer über Frauen & Fitness Wissen

When it comes to the topic of fitness, there are always serious misunderstandings, especially between men and women.
When it comes to fitness, we are all at a level where how we want to achieve our personal goals may be different from yours. Always keep that in mind when talking to your girlfriend, your wife, your sister, and yes, even your mom about her fitness program. But now let's turn to the four key things you should know about women and fitness.

1 - Fitness is an essential component of a woman's well-being

First of all, we would like to emphasize how important regular fitness training is for us women. You can tell that the women around you feel this way when they put fitness training at the top of their personal to-do list - even before shopping. That's because fitness means more to us than simply building muscle or getting rid of unwelcome love handles. The fitness lifestyle, and specifically working out, leads us into a real flow that carries over into all other areas of life. We feel good in our skin, increase our self-confidence - we are simply happier. This not only benefits us, but also the people around us.

2 - There is no such thing as "women's exercises

Who actually once wrote the universal definition that pull-ups, squats and deadlifts are men's exercises that are not for women? Anatomically, our bodies are built the same way as you guys. What does that mean? Quite simply, it means that we benefit just as much from the exercises you call men's exercises. We don't need pink dumbbells and we certainly don't need extra exercises for women. All we want is to work out hard, build muscle, and have a real badass workout in the process. The only real difference between men and women in this regard is that we don't build the large amounts of muscle mass.

3 - Women have a harder time achieving their ideal shape

It's especially important that men understand how much harder it is for many women to achieve their ideal physical shape when it comes to fitness training. This is primarily because we have a whole smorgasbord of hormones to contend with that regularly get in the way. Unlike you men, we have that nasty menstrual cycle that throws testosterone and estrogen levels into disarray with expert regularity. Fat loss and muscle gain under difficult conditions. To illustrate the whole thing a little: One day we go to the gym as a confident fitness goddess to lift some dumbbells, only to wake up the next day feeling fat and bloated thanks to the hormone impact. So the next time you hear something similar, hopefully you'll understand better.

4 - Our workouts have depth

Of course, we also go to the gym for fun. However, the workout has a deeper meaning for us, whether we want to build strength and self-confidence out of our inner drive or out of love for our children. In fact, the figure bonus we get from it is often perceived as icing on the cake in addition to our actual goal. But the bottom line is that we go to the gym for the same reasons as men, because all we really want to do is build muscle, lose fat, and spend a little time just with ourselves. All we expect in return is a little respect.

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