20 top foods for weight loss

20 Top Lebensmittel Zum Abnehmen

While hard workouts play a major role in the perception of many people who want to lose weight in order to look better in the mirror, nutrition is often treated rather neglected. Yet it is actually the diet that makes up the lion's share of weight loss success. Without getting too scientific in this regard and using all sorts of figures, we would like to introduce you to 20 foods that will help you achieve your goal more easily.

1 - Beans
Beans in all variations are a regular part of the diet. And there is a good reason for this, as pulses not only contain high-quality vegetable protein, but also fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A recent study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition an Dietetics even proved that a bean-rich and therefore very fiber-oriented diet is more effective for weight loss than a strict carbohydrate reduction. However, the secret of beans lies not only in the proteins and micronutrients they contain, but above all in the fiber, which swells up in the digestive tract and is therefore much more filling than low-fiber foods.

2 - Salmon

It is obvious why salmon should not be missing from our list of top 20 foods, as it is one of the best, if not the best, source of valuable omega-3 fatty acids. According to several studies published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, omega-3 fats are strongly associated with effective body fat reduction when combined with regular cardio training. In addition, omega-3 fats have been found to lower heart-damaging triglyceride levels and increase the amount of "good" HDL cholesterol in the blood. Salmon is also a very high-quality source of protein in its own right.

3 - Green tea

Since ancient times, green tea has been regarded as a health-promoting remedy that has a positive effect on the metabolism. However, this is not only due to the caffeine it contains. In a study with caffeine-free green tea, it was found that the test subjects had a 25 percent higher fat oxidation rate than the comparison group, which was given a placebo. Together with the caffeine it contains, this effect is even more potent. Green tea is therefore an ideal and calorie-free drink that makes a welcome change from water during your diet.

4 - Cauliflower, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts

Of course, these four vegetables are four completely different plants. However, they all have similar positive properties, so you can swap cauliflower, broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts in your diet as you wish without having to sacrifice their benefits. The main advantage is their richness in vitamins and minerals on the one hand, and their high fiber content on the other, making these vegetables ideal as a filling side dish.

5 - Blueberries

Blueberries are associated with numerous health benefits. However, scientists recently got to the bottom of why blueberries are also so effective for burning fat. As the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports, an antioxidant called pterostilbene is responsible for this effect, especially as it reduces the activity of certain enzymes involved in fat storage. Incidentally, blueberries are particularly good in yoghurt or low-fat quark, the next food on our list.

6 - Low-fat quark
Lean quark is one thing above all: lean. That's not a bad flat joke, but simply the truth, because while 100 grams of low-fat quark only has 75 kilocalories, it provides you with a whole 13.5 grams of protein and only 4 grams of carbohydrates. The bottom line is that low-fat quark is an ideal source of protein for a diet, especially as a 500 gram tub usually only costs 60-70 cents. You can also combine low-fat quark with all kinds of foods such as oatmeal, berries, fruit, nuts and oils, so there's never a dull moment in the kitchen.

7 - Apples

As the saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". This wisdom may not be 100 percent true. However, according to studies by Japanese scientists, the polyphenols contained in the skin of apples are beneficial for fat metabolism. In addition, these polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory effect and also have a positive effect on blood pressure.

8 - Chocolate

If you're looking for the ideal food for those little snacks in between meals, there's no getting around chocolate. In a study involving over 1,000 test subjects, scientists found that people who regularly ate chocolate had a lower BMI than those who did not. This was despite the additional calories and the saturated fatty acids contained in chocolate. This is due to the flavonoids contained in chocolate. These special antioxidants, which come from the cocoa plant, stimulate the metabolism and thus improve fat burning. For a noticeable effect, however, you should choose chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60 percent and of course limit your consumption to a few pieces a day.

9 - Eater bread

So-called meal bread is ideal for use when losing weight, as it has a significantly lower glycemic index than conventional wholemeal bread. This means that the carbohydrates it contains are absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream, so you stay full for longer and don't suffer from cravings. In addition, many of these breads contain a large amount of healthy ingredients such as nuts, seeds and kernels.

10 - Pistachios
A recent study by Loma Linda University in California suggests that regular consumption of so-called tree nuts, which include pistachios, can help to reduce the risk of obesity. This is mainly due to the powerful mixture of protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals. Furthermore, as pistachios not only contain the fewest calories of all nuts, but also have to be peeled first, they are an ideal snack that makes it difficult to consume excessive amounts of calories.

11 - Mushrooms
These special foods owe their hybrid existence as a plant and animal to the fact that they are particularly rich in vitamins. For example, they are one of the few foods with a significant vitamin D content. In addition, mushrooms are very low in calories and can be used in the form of sauces and side dishes to accompany numerous fish, meat and vegetable dishes.

12 - Peas

Peas are an excellent source of valuable fiber, which is not only beneficial for your intestinal flora, but also reduces your feeling of hunger throughout the day. In addition to numerous vitamins and trace elements, peas also contain comparatively large amounts of high-quality plant protein, which is not processed into the widely used pea protein powders for nothing. To get the maximum protein quality, you should choose yellow peas.

13 - Hot sauces

Hot sauces not only burn on the tongue, they can also melt your fat. Chili-based sauces in particular contain the substance capsaicin, which is responsible for the noticeable heat and has a measurable effect on your metabolism. The metabolic rate can therefore be increased measurably, albeit minimally, over several hours, so that you burn a few extra calories a day by consciously eating spicy food.

14 - Frozen bananas

Frozen bananas are ideal for making protein shakes creamier. The fact that they become thicker as a result of mixing them in considerably prolongs the feeling of satiety despite the identical amount of calories. To make it easier to portion the bananas, it is best to cut them into pieces about two centimetres thick before freezing them. The carbohydrates contained in bananas are also an alternative to dextrose or maltodextrin for replenishing glycogen stores after training.

15 - Oat flakes

Oatmeal is a food for every situation, but it can really come into its own when you are on a diet. Oatmeal is not only an excellent source of carbohydrates, but also has a high fiber content that keeps you full for a long time. As a study by the New York Columbia University Center shows, a portion of hearty oatmeal fills you up around 31 percent longer than a portion of cornflakes. It is also worth mentioning that half a kilo usually costs no more than 50-60 cents.

16 - Spaghetti squash

If you are looking for an alternative to pasta that you can really fill up on, then spaghetti squash is just the thing for you. With a little skill, the flesh can be used to make noodles that are very similar in consistency to 'real' noodles, but contain hardly any carbohydrates.

17 - Potatoes

Due to the low-carb wave, potatoes have been branded public enemy number 1 in wide circles of the fitness community. However, potatoes contain a real secret weapon against body fat in the form of so-called resistant starch. Once again, this is a dietary fiber that swells up particularly strongly in your digestive tract and doesn't get into your bloodstream in the first place. This means that eating potatoes also prolongs the feeling of satiety much longer than is the case with other carbohydrate sources.

18 - Lean meat
High-quality protein sources are the be-all and end-all in your diet. Lean meat, such as that from cattle, poultry or sheep, is characterized on the one hand by its high biological value, but on the other hand by its low calorie density. In addition, your body needs significantly more energy to digest meat than it does to digest carbohydrates and readily available fats, for example. This so-called "thermic effect of food" ensures that you burn a few extra calories without having to do anything.

19 - Olive oil
Although it may sound unusual, olive oil contains substances that counteract hunger. To be precise, it is a monounsaturated oleic acid that increases the blood concentration of the substance oleoylethanolamide. Scientific studies have shown that this results in a lower calorie intake over a 24-hour period. It has also been found that slimmer people respond much better to this oleic acid than overweight people. This means that olive oil can also be used particularly well to successfully maintain body weight after a diet.

20 - Chia seeds
Chia seeds are also characterized by their high fibre content, which helps you to keep your hunger under control. As chia seeds have a neutral taste but also have excellent thickening properties, they have become increasingly popular in the preparation of "healthier" desserts such as puddings.

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