8 tips to burn more calories every day


It is well known: Exercise can burn calories. But there are other things you can do to increase the fat-burning process. These 8 helpful tips will help you burn more calories in less time.

1- Several small meals per day

Most people eat three times a day. However, there is a better way to lose weight than eating only for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Instead, eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. Of course, the amount of calories must not be changed. You cannot then choose the same portion sizes for each meal. Find out how much you need to keep you satiated and as full of energy as possible throughout the day.
A good rule of thumb is to eat a small snack every 3 to 4 hours. This will "fire up" your metabolism at short intervals. It stays active throughout the day and burns more calories.

2- Drink green tea

You won't find a website dedicated to health-oriented nutrition that doesn't praise green tea to the skies. There are good reasons for this: Green tea not only contains a range of antioxidants. It also has the ability to stimulate your body's metabolism. This in turn leads to increased calorie burning.

3- Build muscle

When you strain your muscles with weight training, small injuries occur. You usually notice them as sore muscles. The body reacts to this. It doesn't just repair the tissue. It also responds by strengthening and growing the stressed muscle areas. If you gain muscle mass, your basal metabolic rate increases. Even when lying down, you will burn more calories if you increase the proportion of lean body mass. The more you move, the greater the effect. Even your cardio training will be more effective when your muscles are stronger.

4- Eat spicy

Hot spices and foods help you to burn more calories. They also bring a welcome change to your everyday diet. Hot peppers and chilli peppers contain capsaicin. This substance causes your body to use more energy than heat. So you can expect an optimal combination of tasty and varied food on the one hand and increased calorie burning on the other.

5- Eat more protein

Proteins are the building blocks for your body to build and repair your muscles. Even fat burning is boosted by certain amino acids. A protein-rich diet also keeps you full for a long time. Around 20 to 30 % of the calorie content is digested immediately. This is much more than is the case with carbohydrates and fats. This is due to the amino acids that make up proteins. They are held together by peptide bonds and can therefore be used to repair muscle tissue. The amino acids are transported through the bloodstream using oxygen. Antibodies from the immune system have to break down the peptide bonds. This means that your stomach has to work harder to digest the protein. This requires more energy, which means you burn more calories.

6- Sleep enough

When you sleep well, you can work better. The same goes for your metabolism. Regular and adequate sleep will get your metabolism working to its full potential. You will burn more calories than you would if you didn't get enough sleep.

7- Do not exercise on an empty stomach

When you exercise, you burn calories. How many calories you burn also depends on how full your stomach is. A workout is more efficient after eating because the body can burn more calories than on an empty stomach. For you, this does not mean running to the gym immediately after eating. Your body needs to digest first. During this process, your fat metabolism is slowed down. Also, you may feel a little full and would exercise lethargically. Wait a few hours to find the best time for your workout. Your food will be partially digested. You'll know when it's time. The freshly processed food allows your body to stock your muscles with glycogen. This polysaccharide is responsible for storing energy. This will not only allow you to train harder. Your body will release more energy and therefore burn more calories.

8- Small snacks before and after training

Many people assume that it is bad to eat something just before or just after training. This applies to large meals (see also point 7). Small snacks, on the other hand, can be very helpful.
It would be important for your strength training if you had a small protein-rich snack before training. Make sure it contains plenty of BCAA. The same applies to the small meal after training. This way, you can give your body targeted protein reserves that it needs to build muscle and repair damaged fibers. A protein shake with a banana is ideal for a post-workout snack, but natural yoghurt with a few berries is also a good choice. The most important thing is to find the right amount. Too little will not have the desired effect. Too large a meal would stop the fat-burning process and add unnecessary calories.

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