8 myths about the six pack

8 mythen über das sixpack

The Six-pack is seen in our modern society as a symbol of strength, youth and self-confidence, so it is not surprising that a veritable cult has developed in this context. In addition to numerous methods that are supposed to help you build a six-pack, countless myths have crystallized over time that still haunt the minds of many exercisers despite scientific evidence to the contrary. To help you on your way to a six-pack, in the following article we will dispel 9 persistent six-pack myths and debunk them as legends.

Myth 1 - It all depends on genetics

Of course, genetics also play a role in building a washboard stomach that should not be underestimated, as the development of the abdominal muscles is also determined by the individual muscle fiber composition. However, this says just as little about the actual development potential as it does about the general ability to build a washboard stomach. The only difference that can be explained genetically is the distribution of the tendon cords that divide the straight abdominal muscle into the characteristic packs. As a result, the appearance of the washboard stomach can vary greatly and can have four, six or even eight packs from person to person.

Myth 2 - You always need a fat burner

Fat burners are designed to help you empty your body fat deposits, but this in no way means that this automatically applies to your belly fat. Contrary to popular belief that fat burners are mandatory, the reality is that anyone can build a washboard stomach without spending a single extra penny. There is no miracle cure that will make your body fat disappear as if by magic. Achieving your goal requires a combination of hard training, a healthy diet and a good dose of discipline and perseverance.

Myth 3 - You can only achieve your six-pack with crunches

Various fitness magazines and TV commercials have been suggesting for years that the crunch is the ultimate exercise for building a six-pack, which will also make your body fat disappear in no time at all. The crunch is a relatively good, but by no means the best exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles, but nothing more. To bring out the six-pack, you need to reduce your body fat percentage, which requires a permanent energy deficit. You won't achieve anything with crunches alone.

Myth 4 - You need to train your abs every day

There is a misconception in large parts of the fitness community that the abdominal muscles should be trained as often as possible, which leads many athletes to torture their stomachs every day with numerous sit-ups or crunches. In reality, however, the abdominal muscles are a muscle group just like any other, so it seems only logical that they should be treated in the same way. In practice, it is therefore imperative that you also give your abdominals sufficient recovery time in order to achieve optimal results.

Myth 5 - You can't eat any more carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your body, helping you to perform at your best during training. Carbohydrates therefore play a significant role in enabling you to give your all during abdominal training. Carbohydrates also contain just as much energy per gram as proteins, so it is by no means necessary to avoid carbohydrates. Instead, you should focus on the quality of the carbohydrates, which you can ensure by consuming whole grain and natural products in particular.   

Myth 6 - Machines are the ultimate tool for success

Just as there are no miracle pills, there is no machine that will magically make a six-pack appear. Of course, you can also train your abdominal muscles with machines, but don't forget that this is only part of your abdominal training. As the abdominal muscles primarily have a stabilizing function in the human body, the abdomen should also be trained according to its function, for example by doing front squats. In any case, you should stay away from cheap equipment advertised in TV commercials.

Myth 7 - Some people are born with a six-pack

The classic washboard stomach is created in its full glory exclusively through hard work and discipline - there is no way around it. The reason for the assumption that some people seem to be born with a six-pack is that the metabolism is much faster at a young age than in adults, which means that many children and teenagers have a (lean) six-pack. However, no one is born with a well-defined six-pack.

Myth 8 - You have to do hours of cardio training

It goes without saying that it is essential to reduce your body fat percentage as much as possible to free up your abdominal muscles, but this does not mean doing excessive cardio sessions. It is much more effective if you make use of high intensity interval training (HIIT), which only takes a fraction of the time, but is at least as effective when it comes to burning fat. Three to four training sessions lasting 15 to 20 minutes each are perfectly sufficient in this respect.

Myth 9 - There are plenty of shortcuts to washboard abs

Of course, many people working in the fitness industry would like to tell you that there is an easy way to get a six-pack. And you can't blame them, because they earn their living with guides, training programs and dietary supplements. Sometimes all these programs and products have their purpose, but this does not mean that you have to invest less for your desired goal. To make a long story short: There is no shortcut! Pay attention to a healthy diet, train hard and use supplements wisely, and sooner or later you will reach your goal.

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