7 Women Fitness Myths


Do women have to train differently? Women are involved in almost all sporting disciplines just like men. In endurance sports, team sports such as soccer, athletics and bodybuilding. Athletes strive for the perfect appearance, for defined muscles with as little body fat as possible. Admittedly, the genetic requirements of men and women are different. But the goal is to build muscle. And muscle cells are muscle cells, whether male or female. So isn't it time to dispel certain myths? Let's start with that!

Myth no. 1: Women should not train like men

It is true that women should train in such a way that they achieve their training goals. These goals may differ from those of men. If weightlifting is on a man's program, there is a reason for this. It's probably about the muscle sling that starts in the lumbar region and continues through the gluteus and thighs. If a woman wants to train this muscle loop, she will probably do the same exercise, although perhaps with less weight, adapted to her training condition. Women often train differently because they have different goals. As soon as the goals match, you can no longer tell the difference.

Myth no. 2: Women's training goal is to lose weight

It is true that women have different goals when it comes to sport and fitness. Fitness means freedom to design your personal training programs according to your needs. Because every body reacts differently to training, depending on predisposition and metabolic type. The lady training for a marathon has a different training plan to the one preparing for a bikini competition. The beginner who wants to get off the couch and into the gym and wants to get off to a gentle start is completely different.

Myth no. 3: Women need different proteins

Protein is protein, that's the truth. Everything else is a question of marketing. Of course, anyone designing a protein product for the target group of women will set different priorities from the packaging design to the slogan and the sales arguments than with a product for men. Nevertheless, women can also mix their shake from the men's protein pot, as long as the ingredients of the powder are right. This is because protein supplements differ in their composition of amino acids, carbohydrates and fats. And some ladies may not tolerate animal protein, just like some men. Women don't need different proteins, they need the right ones. Products that suit their current training status and goals.

Myth no. 4: Olympic weightlifting is dangerous

It is true that every sport and every exercise can be dangerous if performed incorrectly. Poor technique and too much weight due to excessive ambition and the injury happens. Men are actually the higher risk group here. Anyone training with weights should create the right foundation, perform the exercises correctly and focus on building strength and muscle. This applies to both men and women.

Myth no. 5: Weightlifting leads to masculinization

It is true that training with weights builds muscle and reduces fat. Strength training also has a positive effect on health. Women who do targeted strength training are fitter, healthier and slimmer. Of course, their appearance changes depending on their genetic constitution. Some women get a beefy look, others an athletic look, while other girls remain wiry and graceful.

Myth no. 6: Women should not take creatine

It is true that the body produces creatine whether you want it to or not. The body builds up this energy-rich phosphate and is an important muscle fuel for short-term and high-intensity exercise. Anyone who trains frequently and intensively needs an external supply via supplements. This applies to both male and female athletes. The result is weight gain through muscle growth combined with water retention.

Myth no. 7: The treadmill is enough for women

It is true that women should also do strength training. Even endurance athletes would do well to carry out a strength program alongside their cardio units. After all, strength training is nothing more than giving the muscle the ability to overcome greater resistance. The marathon runner also needs this. Strength training is doubly effective for fat loss. On the one hand, fat is already burned during the workout, and on the other, the stronger muscle also consumes more fat during regeneration.

Conclusion - it all depends on the training goals

Women train differently to men, not because they have to, but because they pursue different goals or set different priorities. When it comes to strength training or muscle building, for example, the methodology is basically the same. This also applies to nutrition. Protein is protein and a supplement is a supplement. How you build up your nutrition plan depends on your training status, training goal and metabolic type.


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