7 diet tips that can make your abs pop

7 diet tips

If we're honest with ourselves, we all dream of having well-defined abs. So it's all too understandable if you give it your all in training and look forward to torturing your abdominal muscles with a wide variety of exercises every day. Unfortunately, excessive training is not the last word in wisdom, as many athletes don't necessarily look rock hard despite excessive abdominal workouts. The cause is therefore not a lack of training, but rather a problem with the diet, because as you know, 70 percent of success in terms of both muscle building and body fat reduction is achieved in the kitchen. Consequently, in this article we would like to give you 7 nutrition-specific tips that you can use to tackle the problem.

Tip 1 - Eat regularly

Most recreational athletes chasing the ideal of a six-pack make the mistake of trying to cut calories at all costs. In this context, it is often the case that meals are either eaten irregularly or skipped altogether. However, the problem is not the intention to save calories, as this is essential for reducing body fat, but the irregularity of food intake. The bottom line is that this provokes food cravings, as the body is no longer sufficiently supplied with nutrients and you therefore not only tend to eat the wrong things, but also far too much of them. Of course, this is a huge obstacle to your goal. It is better if you concentrate on eating five to six small meals a day, with two to three hours between each meal. This will guarantee that you won't have any food cravings and will also ensure an adequate supply of nutrients.

Tip 2 - Eat filling foods

Another major problem when losing weight is the feeling of hunger, which is provoked by the constant calorie deficit. It is therefore important to keep this eternal torment under control so as not to give in and overeat. The solution is to eat foods that keep you feeling full for as long as possible. This primarily includes foods rich in protein and fat as well as those with a very high fiber content. Eat at least two of the following foods at every meal and you will be on the safe side in terms of satiety.

  • Almonds or nuts
  • Beans and lentils
  • Milk
  • Oatmeal
  • Eggs
  • Chicken breast and other lean meat
  • Peanut butter
  • Olive oil
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Protein powder
  • Blueberries and other berries

Tip 3 - Drink enough water

As the human body consists of up to 75 percent water on average, it is generally not a mistake to drink enough fluids. However, water also has the advantage that you can use it as a means of satiety, especially when dieting, as water has no calories. In addition, if you consume water immediately before a meal, it stretches your stomach so that you feel full much faster and are less hungry afterwards. If you want to optimize your calorie consumption even further, you should make sure that you drink water that is as cold as possible, as your body has to expend additional energy to heat the liquid to body temperature.

Tip 4 - Pay attention to your protein consumption

As we have already mentioned, protein has the unbeatable property of contributing significantly more to satiety than carbohydrates, for example. For this reason alone, you should make sure that you consume at least two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Apart from this, protein consumption also has other benefits for your project. These include a measurable increase in metabolic rate due to the so-called Thermic Effect of Food and the protective function that protein fulfills in relation to your existing muscle mass. If you consume too little protein as part of a diet, your body will fall back on its own protein stores in the event of an acute protein requirement, which in plain language means that it metabolizes them in favour of the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, for example.

Tip 5 - Pay attention to when you eat carbohydrates

Even if you are told to do so from all sides, it is not necessary to give up carbohydrates completely, even when dieting. Quite the opposite, because carbohydrates are particularly valuable in such a state of hunger to provide the body with readily available fuel so that you are able to perform. It is therefore obvious that you should plan your daily carbohydrate intake around your training. Before training, the carbohydrates you consume ensure that you have sufficient energy during exercise. Taken immediately after training, the carbs will help you recover from your strenuous workout. To be on the safe side, you should also prefer a weight-based nutrient intake at this point. We would recommend a guide value of a good two grams per kilogram of body weight and training day. On non-training days, you can also eat a few carbohydrates less, although you shouldn't go without them completely.

Tip 6 - Eat more vegetables

Admittedly, vegetables are not everyone's cup of tea. Nevertheless, you should try to eat as many of them as possible, especially when dieting. It's obvious why, because vegetables are not only full of water and fiber, which makes you feel full when you eat them, but they are also rich in essential micronutrients. These micronutrients include numerous vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals, all of which are needed by your body to ensure that physiological metabolic processes are optimally coordinated. If you don't particularly like vegetables, you don't have to eat them raw, of course. Many varieties, such as spinach, are suitable for combining with fruit to make a delicious smoothie.

Tip 7 - Concentrate on the food

Many of us tend to eat in front of the TV or computer due to a lack of time or convenience. However, it is precisely this distraction that carries the risk of us eating too quickly and too much. Obviously, neither of these is ideal for the goal of getting a six-pack. Take time for your meals and enjoy the food instead of just shoveling it in while watching TV. You'll be amazed at the difference this small change in behavior makes.

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