3 things you should never say to a pregnant woman


Pregnancy is one of the most exciting phases in a woman's life. No wonder, because a lot changes during this time. If you have ever had direct contact with a pregnant woman or are/were pregnant yourself, you will know that pregnant women react very differently in many situations than expected. Accordingly, caution is required with regard to your own behavior, because even seemingly harmless statements can easily be taken the wrong way.

And then trouble is inevitable, because every woman reacts differently. We would like to help you here with a little guide so that you can skilfully avoid such pitfalls with a little intuition and discretion. Of course, this also includes some things that you should never - and we emphasize "never" - say to a pregnant woman.

1. never make comments about her body or weight
"Your belly has gotten quite big!"
"You look so thin!"
"You don't even look like you're pregnant!"
"You've already put on a lot of weight"
"Are you having twins?"

Statements like these may seem innocuous to some. However, anything even remotely related to a pregnant woman's weight should be treated with extreme sensitivity. After all, no one knows how a pregnant woman will cope with the changes in her body. What's more, it's not necessarily a good idea to talk to a pregnant woman about her appearance during this time. She might take it the wrong way. Many may think that telling a pregnant woman that she doesn't look pregnant is a compliment. Let us briefly explain why this is not always the case.

This is once again caused by social norms as disseminated by the media. Pregnant women in particular often get into inner conflicts in this situation, as they constantly compare themselves with the prevailing ideals of beauty. Every little deviation can make her feel increasingly uncomfortable in her skin, even if she may not tell you. Even the well-intentioned comment that a pregnant woman looks very thin can be taken very negatively. An expectant mother knows best what is going on in her body and how her child is doing.

Careless, albeit well-intentioned, statements can lead to a pregnant woman becoming very worried and not trusting her natural instincts. A woman is usually very proud of her pregnancy. Even a compliment about her good figure á la "you don't look pregnant at all" can be very devastating for a pregnant woman. The most important rule is therefore: "Never make comments about the appearance of a pregnant woman."

2. never tell horror stories about the birth
"I was completely slashed!"
"Do you actually know how many women have an emergency C-section?"
"My cousin almost died giving birth!"

Yes, such stories do indeed circulate. However, there is hardly anything more insensitive than telling such stories, because it doesn't help the expectant mother in the slightest. Complications can actually occur during childbirth, which are very unpleasant for the mother-to-be. However, thanks to modern medicine and the numerous tests that are carried out before the birth, the probability is extremely low.

So unintentionally scaring a pregnant woman about giving birth is not exactly the best thing to do. Of course, this is especially true for women who are having their first child and have not yet had any experience themselves. Pregnant women are therefore the worst possible audience for horror stories.

3. "You should ... not do"
"You'd better not eat that."
"You should be careful with yoga."
"You'd better not train."

Yes, a pregnant woman's body is carrying a baby. No, that doesn't mean that she wants to be reminded and patronized every day about what she should and shouldn't do. But this is by far the most difficult thing for outsiders when dealing with pregnant women. After all, most people only have the well-being of the expectant mother and baby in mind. Most pregnant women feel rather reprimanded by this.

After all, who likes to be told how much to exercise or how much sugar to put in their coffee? Before you give such advice to a pregnant woman, always ask yourself one question: "Would I have said that to her before she was pregnant?" If the answer is "no", then it's best if you simply refrain from saying such things.

Can I say anything at all to a pregnant woman without burning my mouth?
That is of course a rhetorical question. Of course you can also talk to pregnant women in a completely normal way. You should just be careful at certain points that you don't burn your mouth and don't patronize the other person. Remember that every woman reacts differently. Some will be happy to receive compliments about their figure. The same applies to advice, of course. Others, on the other hand, will react angrily. So try to use statements that are not directly associated with pregnancy. Something like "you're radiating an incredible zest for life today" or a simple "nice to see you" is usually the best thing you can do.

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