11 facts about childbirth that every woman should know

11 Fakten über Die Geburt

Almost all mothers agree on one point, namely that the natural Birth is an indescribably beautiful event that makes you forget all the pain and contractions at the latest when the child sees the light of day. Nevertheless, many expectant mothers ask themselves what really happens during a birth, as this question is rarely answered in advance. We have therefore picked out the 11 most important facts you should know about the upcoming birth.

Fact 1 - Sex is just as good after pregnancy as before

By far one of the most frequently asked questions during childbirth is how sex feels after a child is born. The reason for this is, of course, the fact that the vagina is no longer as tight after the first birth as it was before, as the tissue is stretched considerably. At this point, however, we can reassure you in advance, because thanks to the excellent blood flow, the vagina regenerates comparatively quickly, so that no major differences can be felt in terms of sex after the birth. What can happen, however, is that you lose your nipples as an erogenous zone. However, this is only the case for some women and can sometimes only last for a limited period of time.

Fact 2 - Make sure you find a midwife early enough

You should also look for a midwife before the birth. However, before the birth does not mean that a few weeks are enough. In fact, it is often advisable to pull out all the stops in the first month of pregnancy, as midwives are currently hard to come by and are therefore quickly booked up. The midwife is extremely important, as she will guide you through the entire birth process and support you with all her experience. In addition, she will also accompany you after the birth and give you valuable tips.

Fact 3 - An enema makes the birth more comfortable

As you sometimes have to push very hard during childbirth, this can lead to unpleasant mishaps with the digestive tract. So that you can push completely freely and don't have to worry about any mishaps, you can ask your doctor for an enema to empty the bowel contents before the birth. In addition, an enema can even be beneficial for labor, which can significantly shorten the birth process under certain circumstances.

Fact 4 - You can change your birth position

Contrary to what is often portrayed in films and series, there is no fixed birth position that is ideal for every birth. Of course, this also depends on your personal perception of pain. You can therefore decide freely according to how your body feels whether you would prefer to give birth in a squatting, kneeling or even quadrupedal position rather than the classic birthing position. Fortunately, during the birth you will quickly notice which position is the most comfortable for you.

Fact 5 - A perineal tear can occur

As the tissue in the area of the vagina and perineum is subjected to strong stretching forces during childbirth, almost every birth results in lacerations in the area of the perineum, i.e. the tissue between the vagina and anus. In this context, a distinction is made between four levels of lacerations, whereby in most cases these are only first-degree lacerations with barely bleeding tears. If larger lacerations occur, such as third and fourth degree lacerations, the wound is sutured after the birth. However, due to the pain of labor, which outweighs the pain of any lacerations, you will hardly notice them. It is also reassuring that the injury heals very quickly, especially in the area of the mucous membranes. You can also prevent a perineal tear comparatively well with prophylactic measures such as perineal massages, hay flower baths and various oils and ointments from the pharmacy.

Fact 6 - Your baby bump does not disappear immediately after the birth

As your uterus enlarges to up to 20 times its normal size during pregnancy, your pregnancy belly will not disappear immediately after you have given birth. It can take around six weeks for the tissue to shrink, so you will still look a little pregnant during this time.

Fact 7 - Don't be surprised by the menstrual flow

As the birth of your child has left a wound in your uterus due to the detachment of the placenta, the first six weeks or so after the birth will result in so-called lochia. This is the discharge of bloody wound secretions that continue until the wound has completely healed. While lochia is still very heavy in the first few days, it decreases steadily as the period progresses.

Fact 8 - Wearing a sanitary napkin is still recommended after the last menstrual flow

As the pelvic floor has not yet regained its original level of strength after pregnancy, the muscles cannot fully hold back urine in some situations. In order to avoid accidentally passing urine during sport or strong bodily reactions such as sneezing, it is highly recommended that you wear a sanitary pad even in the weeks following your last menstrual flow. You should also slowly start to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles through targeted training.

Fact 9 - Milk can come in very suddenly

It may sound unbelievable, but even a baby's cry can cause milk to come in at your breast. And it doesn't even have to be your own child crying with hunger.

Fact 10 - Breastfeeding can sometimes hurt

If you are breastfeeding your baby, you will experience pain more often, especially in the early days. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, very sensitive nipples that first have to get used to the baby's sucking. And secondly, to the occurrence of afterpains, which come with every new milk intake, especially as the uterus shrinks at the same time. As soon as the uterus has reached its original size, however, the pain is over.

Fact 11 - Expect the "baby blues" after the birth

The term "baby blues" refers to the mood swings that often occur after the birth. These mood swings are due to the hormonal imbalance and usually disappear quite quickly. Only in 10 percent of pregnant women do the mood swings develop into pregnancy depression, which can be serious. If this is the case for you, it is best to seek help from your midwife or trusted doctor to deal with extreme irritability, sadness and sleep disorders.

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